DFW Weather
Get the latest forecast, current conditions, and Doppler radar for the DFW Metroplex and North Texas.Atlanta Weather
Get the forecast for Atlanta and vicinity, local conditions, or animate Doppler radar.Hurricane Season
Tropical storm forecast track, cone of uncertainty, and advisories for active storms.Track Severe Weather
The StormNet Severe Weather Browser features interactive radar, numerous overlays, & real-time alerts.Dallas Live Cam
Check the weather cam in downtown Dallas atop Reunion Tower.Weather Map (Current & Archive)
Current high-resolution surface analysis and numerous archived weather maps.Real-time Lightning
Street-level lightning data. Animate up to 2 hours of lightning strikes on an interactive map.Satellite Loops
Regional and CONUS infrared, visible, & water vapor satellite imagery and long loops.Storm Chasing Live-Stream
From supercells and tornadoes to winter storms, now you can watch the pros in action as they broadcast their storm chases LIVE!Weather Calculators
Convenient meteorological calculators to convert temperature or wind speed units, calculate the wind chill & heat index, and much more.
Celebrating 150 Years of Modern Weather Forecasting
“Perhaps some day in the dim future it will be possible to advance the computations faster than the weather advances and at a cost less than the saving to mankind due to the information gained. But that is a dream.” -Lewis Fry Richardson, Weather Prediction by Numerical Process, 1922 | Read More