Calculators ➡︎ These meteorological calculators will help you convert units and compute various parameters from observations.
Temperature from ºF to ºC or ºC to ºF
Convert Temperature from ºF to ºC or ºC to ºF |
Enter a temperature (ºF or ºC), then click the corresponding “convert” button to see the result. |
Temperature Conversion |
Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit then click “convert” to see the result. |
OR in Celsius |
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Calculate the windchill Index
Windchill Calculation |
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mph, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill |
Windchill Calculation (Fahrenheit and Celsius) |
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mph, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill |
OR in Celsius |
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Relative Humidity Calculator
Relative Humidity Calculator (from Dew Point) |
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) and dew point temperature (Tdp) in degrees Fahrenheit (oF) or Celcius (oC, second row), then click "Calc RH" to compute the relative humidity (RH).
Relative Humidity Calculator |
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) and dew point temperature (Tdp) in degrees Fahrenheit (oF). |
OR in Celsius |
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Heat Index Calculator
Heat Index Calculation |
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) in degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity (RH) in percent (without the % sign), then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index (HI) | Use the heat index tables |
OR use dew point temperature |
Heat Index Calculation |
Enter in the air temperature (Tair) in degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity (RH) in percent (without the % sign), then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index (HI) | Use the heat index tables |
OR use dew point temperature |
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Convert Wind Speed Units
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Wet-Bulb Calculator